Thursday, January 31, 2013

Autumn Hat

Sometimes you have an idea of how a hat is going to be and then it makes up it's own mind. This one was not working till I gave up on the original idea and let it evolve.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Flies

It has been quite some time since I have posted here. The last photos seem like a long time ago. I had the most marvelous time in Europe and if you are on facebook I put lots more photos there. I have a link to the right of the page.

Since returning I have spent time with the family, and time with the house. It is becoming a need for me to pull back the loose strands of life that become tattered during the year. Spaces become clogged and untidy, edges frayed. It seems to clog and retard my progress in all parts of my life and so I begin to clear, throw away the unnecessary, and make order again. Does anyone else get like this??

I had a workshop at home which forced me to get in and clean the studio space and now it is ready for work again. There are lots of plans for this year but I am staying relatively close to home. Check out the workshops to see if I am doing one near you. I will try to get back into posting more regularly.

I have really only made a few things since being home and one was a top hat for my boy who is in a band. It was quite fun and used more traditional millinery than I usually employ.