This bag took me all day not including the designing and drafting of the pattern. It ended up a little wider than I intended and certainly took longer than the simpler bags I've done before, but I am kinda pleased with the result.
It is felted all in one piece including the handle.
THAT is a very COOOOOL bag!
ReplyDeleteThankyou. I hope to make some more soon but I start back to teaching next week and I can see that will slow me down till they are all settled into their tasks.
ReplyDeleteFaaaaaantastic! beautiful!!!!!!! I've got years to go before I can make something so perfect!
ReplyDeletePam, this is such a gorgeous bag! Divine shape and lovely colours and detail. Great job!
ReplyDeleteI need detailed instructions on how to precisely replicate your hats and bags!! ;)
ReplyDeleteLove your designs
You need to be inside this curly head of mine
ReplyDeleteStunning bag ! Love the texture and colours !