Thursday, June 30, 2011


This has been the most different place I have ever been and yet again the feltmakers are such warm and thoughtful people. I must look different as people seem to stare at me. Perhaps it is my clothes. Very Blue Mountains. Kiev has so much history seeping from every drain hole and steeple tip. The cathedrals and palaces. my god there must have been a lot of money here at some point.
We have been felting 3 days now with wall hangings, hats and sculptures. I am exhautsed but the walking about 100km round town last night did not help. I thought I would just see a few things but I could always see another thing up ahead. It doesn't get dark till about 10pm so there is a lot of night life.
Tomorrow Demark! A new adventure and time to put the learners hat on. Till next time.


  1. so glad to be looking at blogs today and have come upon your feltiong and other adventures in Kiev. Wonderful. My mom's family came here (to the US) from near Kiev many years ago..have only seen it vicariously! Have a lovely time in Denmark..Felt in Focus??

  2. oh yes, the wandering IS fun. have just returned from US with an incredible new carder, runs smoothly on ball-bearings, no more shoulder straining
    am hoping it will breathe new life into my felt as it will make it so much easier to use the lovely wool from our own precious woollies
    i'll be needing a good solid wool coat to go to Canada in October!
    looking forward to seeing the pix from your journey
    to seeing you and swapping travel stories in November...

  3. Thanks to everyone who has left me messages. The trip has been so inspirational

  4. Glad it's going so well so far. Have an amazing time in Denmark. It will be so great and you'll learn so much from the other felters.

  5. Kiev sounds so intriguing...Would love to see all of the cathedrals and palaces someday. So exciting that your teaching takes you all over the world. Have a great time in Denmark...Sounds like that's the happening place for feltmakers this coming week. I will have to live vicariously through the words and photos of those in attendance. Wish I were going to be there in person;-)


  6. Wandering is fun and l always do it buyt like you l perhaps do too much and am really tired next morning. is always worth it l think. Glad you have some amazing people in your classes. Enjoy denmark and hopoe to hear and see some of it laterxxtravel safexxlynda

  7. Very glad it's all working out fantastically well - looking forward to hearing more when you get home (it's Susan Robbins in case you don't recognise me in disguise)

  8. I hope you have lots and lots of photos!
    Enjoy Denmark.


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