Sunday, July 17, 2011

Netherlands, happy, tired and content

Well I am drinking some amazing home made Grand Marnier at Dorie's and reflecting on 2 amazing Natural dye workshops. We have ooohed and aahhhed over unwrapped wool and silk samples and revelled in the colours of a Eurpoen garden. The Stokroose (hollyhock) was an amazing colour and Henni came with some real meekrepwortel (madder root) which coloured like some incredible red worms. The samples we felted together to create some wonderful walking art.
 I go tomorrow to meet with Elis to wander the streets of Amsterdam before I head home to the land down under and my beautiful boys.
Then I will have to organise the zillion photos I have taken and select a few to document the trip better for you.
No mean feat I assure you
I will fly for about a day to get home so forgive me if it doesn't happen straight away.


  1. enjoy your trip in amsterdam tomorrow... and I´m curious about the results ...

  2. Pam Pam Pam
    Promising photos again.
    You big tease.
    Safe journey home - after Amsterdam.

  3. oh pam, i enjoyed all the blogs that people wrote about your workshops, next time when you are in europe, i will sure join your workshops. have a nice day and a save trip home:)

  4. Can't wait to see the photo's. Safe trip home. x

  5. Safe travelling and enjoy your last few hours with Dorie!!! Dying to see all the photos. X

  6. Hi Pam, again thanXXX for the great weekend. I've learned a lot.
    Have a safe trip home.

    Hugs Marleen

  7. I've been enjoying following your travels here and on FB and all the wonderful felting and dyeing and friendships.

  8. good to hear that you're back with your boys and hubby. Take your time to land..


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