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Friday, November 27, 2009

eco wonder

I have been dyeing silk as a summer alternative for sales this season. Seems people don't want to even touch wool when its over 30 outside.
This process never ceases to amaze me. The colour variations from just one pot of onion skins with different metal additives is astounding.
I also soy mordanted some cotton and here are the results. The outlines have a wonderful smokeyness to them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Allotment Garden.

An allotment Garden is what I need
To lose myself whilst planting seed.
To plant each seed in row upon row
with care and wonder each seed I sow.
Then to work with daily toil
I'll tend and nurture this allotment soil.
The sun and rain sustain and feed,
yes an allotment garden is what I need.

This is a response to India's blogging bee. The photo is some of the beautiful work to be found on Phoenix's blog

Monday, November 2, 2009

Confessions of a Teacher.

I must confess that in doing workshops it is often I who am the learner.
Isn't it amazing how the same set of instructions to all my students can provide so many different responses. Their answers coming from their own experiences, colour prefences, styles and personalities.
On Sunday I gave a nuno felting workshop. We all had a great time and the products were fantastic. Yummy examples of colour and drape. Thanks to everyone I learnt a lot!


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